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The Joys of Organization: Mental Freedom and a Clean Home

When it comes to our mental health, most of us know that organization is key. A clean and clutter-free home can do wonders for our peace of mind. But what about organizing other areas of our lives? Believe it or not, this can have an even bigger impact on our well-being. In this blog post, we will discuss the joys of organization and how it can lead to a more mentally healthy life!

Here are 6 tips to keeping the environment and the mind clear:

1) Make a list of everything that needs to be done now, done this week, and done this month. Cross it off as you go.

2) Create a space for everything. Whether it's a physical space like a drawer or closet, or an area in your schedule, make sure there is a designated place for everything.

3) Use labels, color code, make it fun! Organizing can be tedious, so make sure to add your own personal touch to it. This will help you stay motivated and on point.

4) Use a calendar! It doesn't matter what kind. Use something. In my family we use a digital calendar that syncs our family events and keeps business separate. We also have an erasable whiteboard calendar on the wall for those in my family that don't prefer digital.

5) Make time for self care. Let's face it, if we don't take care of ourselves, everything else crumbles. Eat food, get exercise, shower, journal, meditate, do something you enjoy!

6) SLOW DOWN. Spend 10-20 minutes everyday putting items in their place and quieting the mind.

Organization is not just about physical things. It's also about our thoughts, emotions, and time. When we are organized, we have a better handle on everything in our lives. We know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. This can lead to reduced stress levels and a greater sense of calm.

When we take the time to declutter our minds and homes, we open up more opportunities for joy and peace.


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